This project named Computer Aided Classification of Ceramics is performed in cooperation with the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Vienna in order to automate the documentation process of archaeological sherds. The project is parsupported by the Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)) under Project P13385-INF. The project started in May 1999 and is funded for 3 years. Within this time frame, a computer aided ceramics classification system will be developed, based on the experience made in a preceding project (Bildhafte Keramikerfassung, P9110-SPR) where the acquisition system was developed and tested.

Computer Aided Classification of Ceramics
Project Details
FundingAustrian Science Fund
Grant NumberP13385-INF
Duration1999/05/01 – 2002/05/01
Contact PersonsMartin Kampel
Hubert Mara
Robert Sablatnig