Completed Projects

Poster Project

The Vienna City Library is one of the most important scholarly libraries with a special focus on Vienna. It has also  350,000 posters – the largest collection in Austria – as well as an extensive documentation in the form of newspaper clippings and historical photographs. For details see the Online Catalogue Plakatsammlung | Wienbibliothek im … Continue reading Poster Project


IT assisted search and comparison of handwritings IT based solution which allows for the search of similar handwritings to expedite the identification of unknown writers by handwriting experts. Law enforcement agencies possess an extensive collection of handwritten documents. This includes for example documents belonging to open cases and reference samples from suspects and prisoners. Yet, … Continue reading WRITE


Investigation of behaviour modelling on the toilet for supporting the autonomous use via guidance In the field of toileting (personal hygiene), there are surprisingly few AAL / supporting technologies and also few projects dealing with this topic. This is all the more surprising, as there is a great need and the visit to a toilet … Continue reading WCBuddy


Machine Learning of motion patterns in the penal system The everyday life of a prison is characterised by aspects of security. A number of structural and organisational measures (prison cell design, video surveillance, …) are designed to reduce the risk of safety-related incidents in prisons and to support the personnel of the correctional system in … Continue reading MaLeStV


Die Durchflusszytometrie ist eine standardisierte Messmethode in der Medizin und Biotechnologie, welche die Analyse von einzelnen Zellen erlaubt. Diese Methode ermöglicht die Intensität von Erkrankungen (Minimal Residual Disease – MRD), wie Leukämie, durch die Bestimmung der Anzahl von Krebszellen im Blut, festzustellen. Dadurch kann die Therapie an die Patientin bzw. den Patienten angepasst werden und … Continue reading FlowMe


Satellite image based on-street parking availability technology Finding a free parking spot in a city is tiring. It also costs a lot of time, money and nerves, and, last but not least, causes a lot of  unnecessary emission. Top notch parking navigation software systems are still not able to ease these pains, as options to … Continue reading SatPark

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum

Bei dem unter der Patronanz der Union Académique Internationale (UAI) von 24 internationalen Partnern durchgeführten Langzeitprojekt Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA) fungiert das Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike (IKAnt) der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften als nationale Plattform mit der Aufgabe, die österreichische Forschungsagenda und ForscherInnen im Rahmen eines durch die Antragstellerin eingesetzten Arbeitskreises zu moderieren und … Continue reading Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum


DI4DH: Digitization and Information processing for Digital Humanities Digitizing content from historical sources is the first fundamental part of Digital Humanities. The automatic data enrichment is as important since it guarantees standardized research. Hence, the digitization and data enrichment are closely linked and form the basis of today’s Digital Humanities. This project is fulfilled in … Continue reading DI4DH

The Origin of the Glagolitic‐Old Church Slavonic Manuscripts

In continuation of the FWF projects The Sinaitic Sacramentary (Euchologium) Fragments and The Enigma of the Sinaitic Glagolitic Tradition, the focus of this project is the investigation of the origin and later fate of the early Glagolitic sources for the development of the Glagolitic and Old Church Slavonic traditions. At the same time it is … Continue reading The Origin of the Glagolitic‐Old Church Slavonic Manuscripts