Examples and templates for writing can be found here.
Zeit |
Typ |
Inhalt |
15.10.2024, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Introduction |
- Introduction to the course
- Students introduce themselves
- Administration of the course
29.10.2024, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Lecture |
Literature research – how do I find relevant literature?
TO DO until 04.11.2024:
- Selection and Reading of 2 Papers (min) on the selected topic
- Write reference description of chosen topic:
- Formulation of own statements based on papers read for the topic (3 statements min. per selected paper)
- Submission of reference description via TUWEL
04.11.2024 00:00 |
Deadline |
Deadline reference description
05.11.2024, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Lecture |
Scientific writing
- Scientific writing: What do I have to pay attention to?
Discussion of Reference Description |
12.11.2024, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Lecture |
Types of Scientific Communications
TO DO until 18.11.2024:
- Write an informative abstract comparing the papers selected.
- Upload via TUWEL
18.11.2024 00:00 |
Deadline |
Deadline Informative Abstract |
19.11.2024, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Lecture |
Scientific presentation
- Scientific Presentation: What do I have to pay attention to?
Discussion of informative abstracts
TO DO until 3.13.2024:
- Write an extended abstracts (~3 pages)
- Prepare a short presentation einer kurzen Präsentation (~5 mins) of your extended abstract until the next session.
- Upload via TUWEL
3.12.2024 |
Deadline |
Deadline extended abstract
10.12.2024,13:00 – 17:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Presentation #1 |
Presentation extended abstracts (~5 min)
- Session 1. Chair: Avy Alexandre
- Philipp Ausserlechner: Self-supervised Learning Strategies for Vision
Transformers: A Comparison
- Peter Hönig: Symmetry Handling in Category-Level and Open-Set Object Pose Estimation
- Tessa Pulli: Comparison of Vision Language Models in 2D and 3D Space
- Session 2. Chair: Peter Hönig
- Alexandre Avy: Advances in Handwriting Recognition: From Joint Detection and Recognition to Efficient End-to-End Models
- Mihnea Aleman: Enhancing Point Cloud Segmentation with Extra Training Data: A Comparison
Discussion of the presentations and the extended abstracts
TO DO until 14.01.2025
- Write a complete paper for seminar (6 pages).
- Prepare a long presentation (10 min) until the next session.
- Upload via TUWEL
14.01.2025, 00:00 |
Deadline |
Deadline final paper |
21.01.2025, 13:00 – 17:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Presentation #2 |
Presentation final paper (~10 min)
- Session 1. Chair: N.N.
- Session 2. Chair: N.N
- Session 3. Chair: N.N
- Session 4. Chair: N.N.
Discussion of the presentations and the final paper
Discussion of grades and feedback on the course
28.01.2025, 15:00 – 17:00, Seminarraum FAV01 A |
Presentation #2 |
reserved, if necessary.