All posts by Florian Kleber

Database for numismatic collection of KHM

Supervisor: Martin Kampel Status: closed Motivation The Coin Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM) is one of the five largest and most important coin collections in the world. With some 600,000 objects from three millennia, it contains not only coins, but also paper money, medallions, orders, etc. For research the collection is currently organized … Continue reading Database for numismatic collection of KHM

Automated Analysis of NHM Herbarium Collection

Supervisor: Michael Reiter, Florian Kleber Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens with information from the collector and additional data. The Herbarium of the Natural History Museum in Vienna (W) was established in 1807 and is now ranked amongst the top five botanical collections in the … Continue reading Automated Analysis of NHM Herbarium Collection

Table Structure Recognition

Supervisor: Florian Kleber Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Document Image Analysis (DIA) deals with the analysis and recognition of document images. Tasks range from skew estimation, layout analysis to Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). Tables in documents contain structured information which can allow a deeper insight into specific data. Table Structure Recognition (TSR) deals … Continue reading Table Structure Recognition

Table Detection

Supervisor: Florian Kleber Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Document Image Analysis (DIA) deals with the analysis and recognition of document images. Tasks range from skew estimation, layout analysis to Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). Tables in documents contain structured information which can allow a deeper insight into specific data. During layout analysis, one task … Continue reading Table Detection

Segmentation of houses in historical Maps

Supervisor: Florian Kleber, Simon Brenner Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Historical maps contain a lot of information like land boundarys or outlines of buildings. To show the development of citys and different regions it is necessary to extract this information from historical maps. Within this work the main goal will be detect the … Continue reading Segmentation of houses in historical Maps

Layout Analysis and OCR of art exhibition catalogues

Status: open Supervisor: Markus Diem, Florian Kleber, Christina Bartosch (University of Vienna) Exhibition catalogues comprise information containing accompanying texts, name of the paintings, owner of the paintings, etc. An example image shown on this page illustrates a page of an catalogue comprising consecutive numbers, name of the paintings and owners, and the hall number. The … Continue reading Layout Analysis and OCR of art exhibition catalogues

Document Layout Analysis for Newspapers

Status: open Supervisor: Markus Diem, Florian Kleber, Stefan Fiel Document layout analysis deals with the layout structure of document images, thus segmenting a page into homogeneous image regions. Within the project READ a framework for layout analysis is currently developed. The layout analysis allows to detect text regions (text lines, text blocks, etc.). The main … Continue reading Document Layout Analysis for Newspapers