
Julian Strohmayer

Julian Strohmayer is a research assistant and PhD student at the Computer Vision Lab (CVL), Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien, Austria. He received his BSc degree in Media Informatics and Visual Computing in 2018 and his MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in Visual Computing in 2020, both from TU Wien. His current research … Continue reading Julian Strohmayer

Thomas Heitzinger

Thomas Heitzinger is a research assistant and PhD student at the Computer Vision Lab (CVL) at TU Wien. His research interests are 3D scene understanding and human behavior analysis using depth sensors and other non-RGB based visual sensors, as well as computer vision in the absence of strong textural information. At the moment he is … Continue reading Thomas Heitzinger

Theodor Mittermair

Theodor Mittermair studies Computer Engineering bachelor and plans to continue with the Embedded Systems master program. He currently is responsible for part of the institutes IT infrastructure. His areas of interest span a wide area, such as microcontrollers, low-level programming, server hardware and software, audio and video equipment, etc.

Jennifer Lumetzberger

My name is Jennifer Lumetzberger and I am a project assistant at the Computer Vision Lab (CVL) at TU Wien.  My research focusses on Active Assisted Living (AAL) and Fairness/Transparency in Algorithms. I received my Msc (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2019 and my Bsc in Medical Engineering in 2016. Currently I am working … Continue reading Jennifer Lumetzberger

Matthias Wödlinger

My name is Matthias Wödlinger and since 2019 I am a research assistant at the Computer Vision Lab (CVL) at TU Wien. I received my MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) degrees in Technical Mathematics and Technical Physics in 2018 and my PhD (Dr. techn.) in Computer Science in 2024. My PhD research was about applications of neural attention. … Continue reading Matthias Wödlinger

Margrit Gelautz

I am a professor at TU Wien, leading the Image and Video Analysis & Synthesis (IVAS) group at Computer Vision Lab. My research in the field of computer vision  focuses on 3D scene reconstruction (especially, stereo analysis), video object segmentation, image matting and motion estimation. Please see my homepage at TU Informatics for more information … Continue reading Margrit Gelautz

Daniel Helm

My name is Daniel Helm and I am a project assistant and Ph.D. student at TU Wien in the Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology. In the 4-year EU-funded Horizon 2020 innovation action ”Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age” (, I am responsible for the development and implementation of … Continue reading Daniel Helm

Karel Horak

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Vision Machine learning algorithms in data & image analysis. Object recognition and anomaly detection in industry, biomedical and cultural heritage tasks. Projects & affiliation: Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence (Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics). Machine Learning Methods in Computer Vision (Technische Universität Wien). Deep Learning in High-Performance Vision (Austrian Institute of … Continue reading Karel Horak