This dataset contains 99 aerial images from Austria and Germany from 1943 – 1945. There are three versions of the dataset: CHAI-raw, CHAI-full, and CHAI-light. The CHAI-raw contains the original 99 historical aerial images with a Region of Interest (ROI) mask as well as the crater annotations. CHAI-full and CHAI-light are the derived datasets that were used for the evaluation of the paper “CHAI: Craters in Historical Aerial Images” presented at WACV2024. For both datasets we extracted 960×960 patches with an overlap of 20%, both come with the images in .png format and the train, val, and test as .json files in the COCO style. The difference between the CHAI-full and CHAI-light datasets is that for the light version, all patches without any annotations have been removed, which results in the same amount of annotations, but fewer patches.
Technical Details
CHAI-raw contains all images unnormalized, additionally, the -info.csv contains the GSD in m, the -mask.png contains the region of interest (only in which craters were annotated), as well as the craters.csv and craters-manual-adapted.csv, which contain the craters and the manually refined craters, details can be found in the original publication. For ease of use, please consider using the derived datasets, which were used for the evaluation of our paper:
Will be linked once published.
Please cite the WACV paper when publishing results on these datasets.
Download and Use
The dataset is freely available for non-commercial research use. In order to get access to the dataset you have to fill in and sign the usage agreement form and send it to Marvin Burges.