Diploma Thesis – Caring Robots // Robotic Care

status: open
supervisor: Margrit Gelautz

The Computer Vision Lab at TU Wien announces a research position for a

Diploma/Master Student


to work on the “CaringRobots // RoboticCare” project starting in April 2025 (or later).

We are looking for a highly motivated diploma/master student of Informatics (or related studies) with a background in computer vision/machine learning or human-robot interaction and strong interest in applications for elderly care and/or movement studies. The successful candidate will work in a team of academic and practice partners on the “CaringRobots // RoboticCare” project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

The project includes the design, implementation and testing of a human-robot movement imitation system that motivates and supports elderly people exercise. Final evaluation studies will be performed in a real care setting.

The topic of the diploma thesis will be defined in more detail in coordination between the student and supervisor. The focus may be on the development of computer vision/machine learning for human-robot interaction and their implementation on robot Pepper, or user studies on robot-supported elderly movement and exercise in the care context.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates that meet several of the following requirements:

  • Excellent academic record
  • Solid knowledge in computer vision/machine learning
  • Solid knowledge in human-robot interaction
  • Experience in robot programming (especially, humanoid robot Pepper)
  • Strong interest in elderly care applications
  • Strong interest in sports/exercise or movement studies

The employment will be for 20 hours/week with a gross salary (according to the collective agreement used at Austrian universities) of approximately €1.300 per month.

To apply or for further enquiries, please send an email to:

Ao. Univ.Prof. Margrit Gelautz (email: margrit.gelautz@tuwien.ac.at)

Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

TU Wien