Completed Projects


Mite Invasion Control Camera (MIC-Cam) In Austria currently 25,500 beekeepers are managing about 380,000 bee colonies. Pesticides in agriculture and climatic changes and most of all the introduction of the Varroa mite confront beekeepers in Europe and North America with increasingly difficult challenges. Only with a regular Varroa mite diagnosis and combat it is possible … Continue reading MIC-Cam


In EnterTrain, new, innovative technology for sensing relevant mobility and gaming characteristics of individuals is used to drive a personalized gaming platform that serves the needs of the end-users in their private homes and increases their quality of life. Interoperability with existing AAL systems and services is guaranteed by relying on open standards and a … Continue reading EnterTrain


READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) The overall objective of READ is to implement a Virtual Research Environment where archivists, humanities scholars, computer scientists and volunteers are collaborating with the ultimate goal of boosting research, innovation, development and usage of cutting edge technology for the automated recognition, transcription, indexing and enrichment of handwritten archival … Continue reading READ


The project DeVisOR – ‘Detection and Visualization of Unexploded Ordnance Risks’ – is concerned with the analysis of historic air photos (images) with the overall goal of detecting unexploded bombs. This work is performed by the Luftbilddatenbank Dr. Carls GmbH, Vienna. In the DeVisOR project interactive software tools are developed that will support the work … Continue reading DeVisOR


FORensic Marks Search IT unterstütze Suche in großen Werkzeug- und Formspurendatenbanken FORMS liefert ein schnelles, innovatives Verfahren zum (semi-)automatischen Suchen und Auffinden ähnlicher Form- und Werkzeugspuren in Kriminaldelikten. Es ermöglicht einen maschinellen Abgleich sowohl von Spur und Werkzeug, als auch von Spur mit weiterer Spur wie beispielsweise im Falle von Tatserien. Hierbei werden die Daten … Continue reading FORMS

The Enigma of the Sinaitic Glagolitic Tradition

Continuing the ASF-project The Sinaitic Sacramentary (Euchologium) Fragments, this project continues the interdisciplinary collaboration of the Institute of Slavic Studies (ISS), University of Vienna (humanities), the Computer Vision Lab, Vienna University of Technology (computer scientists) and the Institute of Science and Technology in Art (ISTA), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (chemists).It is devoted to the … Continue reading The Enigma of the Sinaitic Glagolitic Tradition


Automated MRD-Assessment in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) A major clinical focus of current international interest lies in the development of robust methodology to assess therapy response in AML, the most dangerous subtype of leukemia in children. FCM could be the most widely available and most broadly applicable methodology for this aim, but there exists no … Continue reading FlowCLUSTER

Scannen von Vasen

Im laufenden Projekt des Instituts für Kulturgeschichte der Antike der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften „Zyprische Eisenzeit aus dem Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien“ wird das Scannen der 145 Objekte durch die finanzielle Unterstützung der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien ermöglicht. Projekt Details Finanzierung: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien Kooperationspartner: Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike


The goal of Privicy is the development of a surveillance system which automatically respects the privacy of people involved. The contribution of CVL is twofold: a scientific background to the problem and a closer look on robust tracking algorithms. The development includes the following steps: Research on State-of-the-Art people tracker and anonymizing algorithms Evaluation of … Continue reading Privicy