Current Projects


Fairness, Bias und Transparenz von Computer Vision Algorithmen Datenbasierte Technologie hat das Ziel, nach gewissen Merkmalen zu diskriminieren, zu klassifizieren und zu unterscheiden. Hierbei muss jedoch zwischen erwünschten und unfairen Formen der Diskriminierung unterschieden werden. In aktuellen und weit verbreiteten Bilddatenbanken wie zum Beispiel dem IMDB Datenset wurde ein geschlechtsspezifischer Bias offengelegt. Das bedeutet, dass … Continue reading FairAlgos


Digital Intelligent Assistant for Nursing Applications The care of people with cognitive impairment is demanding and requires a high level of personnel and nursing commitment. It is therefore of the utmost importance to develop solutions that can support caregivers in their daily work at an unprecedented level. The project DIANA improves the life and safety … Continue reading DIANA


SYMETRIC (SYstematic MEasurement of TRacks and Infrastructure Components) Several railways modernization projects Europe-wide are currently in the planning and rollout phase. These modernizations focus on the replacement of outdated relay-based interlocking blocks by solid state interlocking blocks, as well as the rollout of ETCS Level 2 (European Train Control System). The planning and design of … Continue reading SYMETRIC


Impression Evidence and Shoe Model Search IT assisted search and comparison of footwear impressions and shoe model references Footwear impressions are frequently found at various crime scenes. They are easily detected, processed and interpreted, and are therefore a valuable source of evidence for criminal investigations. Especially the combination with other types of forensic evidence e.g. … Continue reading impress