
Philipp Blauensteiner
Projects tripleB ID – Identifikation von Bedrohungsszenarien in Banken durch Bildanalyse CABS – Computer Aided Bank Surveillance AVITRACK – Aircraft surroundings, categorised Vehicles and Individuals Tracking for apRon’s Activity model interpretation and ChecK
José Manuel Bischof

Michael Atanasov
Michael Atanasov attended the Technical High School (HTL) for information technology in Krems/Donau before continuing his study at the Vienna University of Technology. He received the BSc in 2015 and the MSc in 2018 in the field of medical informatics. Since 2013 he has been working as a project assistant at the Computer Vision Lab. … Continue reading Michael Atanasov

Sebastian Zambanini
Current Position Sebastian Zambanini is a Senior Lecturer at the Computer Vision Lab, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien, Austria. Education PhD Vienna University of Technology, Computer Science, 2010-2014. Thesis title: Insensitive Image Comparison in the Absence of Training Data (pdf). Thesis advisor: Martin Kampel, External reviewer: Dieter W. Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, … Continue reading Sebastian Zambanini

Amy Bruno-Lindner
Current Teaching Winter term: Scientific Presentation and Communication Summer term: Scientific Presentation and Communication

Ana Camba

Andreas Zweng
Personal Information Born: 14.06.1984, Vienna, Austria Citizenship: Austria Research Interests Andreas Zweng has specialized in Digital Image Processing during his studies of Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing at the Vienna University of Technology. His research interests are Visual Surveillance, Behavior Recognition and Image Sequence Analysis in general. Currently he is working as a PhD … Continue reading Andreas Zweng

Stefan Fiel
Description Stefan Fiel was born in Feldkirch, Austria, and studied at the Vienna University of Technology where he received his MSc. degree in Visual Computing in 2010. He gained experience as a project collaborator in projects at the Computer Vision Lab. He was working at the “DIR – Document Information Retrieval” project where his task … Continue reading Stefan Fiel

Fabian Hollaus
Personal Information Born: 1983 Citizenship: Austria Description Fabian Hollaus was born in Mittersill in 1983. He received his MSc. (Dipl.-Ing.) in Visual Computing in 2011. He has worked since 2011 in the ‘The Enigma of the Sinaitic Glagolitic Tradition’ project at the Computer Vision Lab, Institute of Computer Aided Automation, Vienna University of Technology. Currently … Continue reading Fabian Hollaus