
2D and 3D Image Registration (VU)

Introduction: FR. 08.04.2016, 13:00 – 15:00, Seminarraum 183/2 Date: FR. 13:00 – 15:00 (see schedule for dates) Place: Seminarraum 183/2 The goal of this lecture/exercise is to get a fundamental understanding of registration techniques used in computer vision, medical imaging, biological imaging and brain mapping. Registration is necessary in order to be able to compare or integrate … Continue reading 2D and 3D Image Registration (VU)

Rettet die Bienen – mittels Computer Vision

Status des Praktikums: offen (geplanter Zeitpunkt: März 2016!) Betreuer: Martin Kampel Problemstellung Die Milbe Varroa destructor ist ein Parasit der Honigbiene, saugt Hamolymphe („Bienenblut”) und gilt als Hauptursache für das weltweit auftretende Phänomen des Bienensterbens. Sie ist vollständig an ein Leben im Bienenstock angepasst, vermehrt sich ausschließlich in Bienenbrut und kann ohne Bienenwirte nicht überleben. … Continue reading Rettet die Bienen – mittels Computer Vision

Handwritten Text Recognition

Status: open Supervisor: Markus Diem, Florian Kleber, Stefan Fiel Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) is an open research topic because of the variety of modern, cursive handwriting. The goal – being able to automatically translate handwritten text into machine readable text – is attractive since HTR would render non-digital born documents accessible. The master thesis will … Continue reading Handwritten Text Recognition

Comparison: Fine-Grained-Access Control to Governance Data in Relational Databases

Status: open Supervisor: Alois Paulin Problem Statement Competing technologies address the challenge to provide dynamic multi-stakeholder access tailored to fit the context of the request for data and the identity of the requester. This so-called fine-grained-access control can be utilised for disruptive governance technology allowing for low-level access to governance data. The objective of this study is to identify … Continue reading Comparison: Fine-Grained-Access Control to Governance Data in Relational Databases

Classification System: Directions of e-Governance Research

Status: open Supervisor: Alois Paulin Problem Statement e-Governance research and development activities are targeting an emerging trans-disciplinary field of science, which is yet in its pioneering stages. Technical contributions to this field are challenged by a lack of clarity of research directions and often take a following- rather than a leading role in the development of this field. A clearly structured research … Continue reading Classification System: Directions of e-Governance Research