Database for numismatic collection of KHM

Supervisor: Martin Kampel
Status: closed


The Coin Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM) is one of the five largest and most important coin collections in the world. With some 600,000 objects from three millennia, it contains not only coins, but also paper money, medallions, orders, etc. For research the collection is currently organized in an Access DB with a new hierarchical scheme.

Topic / Goal

The goal of the project will be to develop a new database (e.g. MySQL or graph database) with user management and a basic UI interface in cooperation with the KHM.


The database is to be redesigned and ported based on the current one. Therefore, knowledge in the field of databases, database design and programming should be available.

Parts of the thesis / project

  • Analysis of the current DB
  • Design of the new DB, User Management
  • Test phase
  • Writing and documentation
  • Optionally: Summarizing your work for publication

Participation in our seminar (either Bachelor) is recommended/mandatory and includes short presentations of your progress. Duration depends on your availability and scope of the work (Usually: up to 6 months for bachelor thesis or student project)
