Topic summer term 2025: Document Analysis
Lessons take place in Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) on Fridays from 13:00 to 17:00 c.t.
March 7, 2025, 13:00-15:00: Introduction to the course
- Introduction to the course
- Speaking exercise: students introduce themselves
March 21, 2025, 13:00-15:00: Oral Presentations and CVs
- Function assignment
- Topic assignment
- Topic: Planning and holding oral presentations
- Topic: Writing CVs
- Assignments:
March 28, 2025, 15:00-17:00: Information Retrieval, Abstract Writing
- Topic: Information retrieval
- Topic: Abstract writing
- Assignment:
- Selection and Reading of 2 Papers (min) on the selected topic
- Write reference description of selected topic, due: next lesson:
- Formulation of own statements based on papers read for the topic (3 statements min. per selected paper)
- Submission of reference description to editor Tingyu
April 4, 2025, 13:00-17:00: CV Presentations and Technical Writing
- CV due
- Reference description due
- Short presentation of CV’s plus feedback
- Topic: Technical writing
- Assignment:
- Write an informative abstract comparing the papers selected and send it to the editor.
- Editor Tingyu collects all abstracts and sends them to sab and Miriam in pdf until April 9. The editor Tingyu is responsible for timely submission. No late submissions are accepted!
- Write extended abstract of the chosen topic (max. 3 pages), due May 9 and prepare a short presentation (5 min) of the abstract, due May 16/23!
- Editor Tingyu collects all extended abstracts and sends them to sab and Miriam in pdf until May 12. The editor Tingyu is responsible for timely submission. No late submissions are accepted!
April 9 2025: Informative abstract due (no course!)
April 11 2025: CV Presentations and Types of Scientific Communication
- Short presentation of CV’s plus feedback
- Discussion of submitted CVs, Reference Descriptions and informative abstracts
- Topic: Types of Scientific Communication
- Assignment:
- Write extended abstract of the chosen topic (max. 3 pages), due May 9 and prepare a short presentation (5 min) of the abstract, due May 16/23!
- Editor Tingyu collects all extended abstracts and sends them to sab and Miriam in pdf until May 12. The editor Tingyu is responsible for timely submission. No late submissions are accepted!
May 9 2025: Extended abstract due (no course!)
May 16 2025, 13:00-17:00: 7 Abstract Presentations
- Short presentations of abstracts, plus discussion and Feedback
- Topic: Own Topic , Chair: Oscar
- Syed Yaqub
- Tingyu
- Elias
- Lou
- Sebastian
- Topic: OCR, Word Spotting, Chair: Florian
- Lorenzo
- Ondrej
- Topic: Own Topic , Chair: Oscar
May 23, 2025, 13:00-17:00: 7 Abstract Presentations
- Discussion of Extended Abstract
- Discussion of presentations
- Short presentations of abstracts, plus discussion and Feedback
- Topic: Layout Analysis, Chair: Lou
- Oscar
- Mariana
- Florian
- Martin
- Veljko
- Topic: Writer Identification, Retrieval, Chair: Sebastian
- Jordan
- Rein
- Topic: Layout Analysis, Chair: Lou
- Assignment (until June 7, 2024):
- Write a complete seminar paper (6 pages) and prepare a long presentation (10 min). Please send your paper in pdf until June 7 to the editorTingyu! No late submissions are accepted!
June 6 2025: Submit paper to editor (no course!)
June 13, 2025, 13:00-17:00: Final Presentations
- 7 Long presentations (10 min) plus discussion and feedback:
- Topic: Own Topic , Chair: Mariana
- Syed Yaqub
- Tingyu
- Elias
- Lou
- Sebastian
- Topic: OCR, Word Spotting , Chair: Jordan
- Lorenzo
- Ondrej
- Topic: Own Topic , Chair: Mariana
June 27, 2025, 13:00-17:00: Final Presentations
- 7 Long presentations (10 min) plus discussion and feedback:
- Topic: Layout Analysis, Chair: Elias
- Oscar
- Mariana
- Florian
- Martin
- Veljko
- Topic: Writer Identification, Retrieval , Chair: Lorenzo
- Jordan
- Rein
- Topic: Layout Analysis, Chair: Elias
- Discussion of presentations
- Discussion of papers
- General course feedback
- Discussion of grades