

Problem Statement Status: vergebenSupervisor: Martin Kampel Das Theatermuseum Wien beherbergt ca. eine halbe Million Fotos. Davon wurden rund 80.000 digitalisiert und sind vor 1940 entstanden. Von vielen Dargestellten wissen wir die Namen. Aber von ebenso vielen haben wir keine Informationen. Vor allem Statist*innen, Tänzer*innen und Nebenschauspieler*innen sind heute oft schwer zu eruieren.Die Aufgabe besteht nun … Continue reading GESICHTSERKENNUNG IN DER FOTOSAMMLUNG DES THEATERMUSEUMS WIEN

Distributed Deep Learning

Supervisors: Dominik Schörkhuber, Margrit Gelautz Distributed Deep Learning In this practicum, we aim to evaluate the feasibility of distributed deep learning for Computer Vision applications on the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) (https://www.it.tuwien.ac.at/services/forschung/high-performance-computing/vsc-vienna-scientific-cluster). We are currently developing deep learning algorithms with steep requirements when it comes to computational resources for an ongoing research project in the … Continue reading Distributed Deep Learning

Table Structure Recognition

Supervisor: Florian Kleber Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Document Image Analysis (DIA) deals with the analysis and recognition of document images. Tasks range from skew estimation, layout analysis to Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). Tables in documents contain structured information which can allow a deeper insight into specific data. Table Structure Recognition (TSR) deals … Continue reading Table Structure Recognition

Table Detection

Supervisor: Florian Kleber Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Document Image Analysis (DIA) deals with the analysis and recognition of document images. Tasks range from skew estimation, layout analysis to Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). Tables in documents contain structured information which can allow a deeper insight into specific data. During layout analysis, one task … Continue reading Table Detection

Seminar für Diplomand_innen für Visual Computing

The seminar provides a forum for discussion of master students’ work and an opportunity for students to share ideas and news. Procedure: The following deliverables are part of the evaluation of this seminar: MTS (Master Thesis Specification) presentation: After the formal application for the master thesis at the study deans in TISS (see the faculty … Continue reading Seminar für Diplomand_innen für Visual Computing

Verbesserung der CAR-T-Zellen Therapie durch Datenanalyse

Supervisor: Michael Reiter (CVL), Manfred Lehner (CCRI) Praktikum/Bachelorarbeit mit Möglichkeit zur Fortführung im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Christian Doppler Laborator für CAR-T-Zellen der nächsten Generation Dieses CD Labor an der St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung arbeitet an molekularen Werkzeugen zur Verbesserung der sogenannten CAR-T-Zell-Therapie, einer Krebstherapie, welche auf der Verabreichung von genetisch veränderten Immunzellen beruht. … Continue reading Verbesserung der CAR-T-Zellen Therapie durch Datenanalyse

Deep Learning-based Forensic Writer Retrieval/Document Segmentation

Status: available Supervisor: Manuel Keglevic Why? Law enforcement agencies possess an extensive collection of handwritten documents. This includes for example documents belonging to open cases, for example death threats, and reference samples from suspects and prisoners. Yet, these collections of documents can only be utilized to a limited extend, since for an identification of an … Continue reading Deep Learning-based Forensic Writer Retrieval/Document Segmentation

Segmentation of houses in historical Maps

Supervisor: Florian Kleber, Simon Brenner Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Historical maps contain a lot of information like land boundarys or outlines of buildings. To show the development of citys and different regions it is necessary to extract this information from historical maps. Within this work the main goal will be detect the … Continue reading Segmentation of houses in historical Maps

Relation Detection: Image Similarity Measurement in Large Historical Archives

Status: available Supervisor: Daniel Helm, Martin Kampel Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Automatic scene analysis is a crucial task for historians or film archivists in order to preserve and interpret the memories of human cultural history. Film archives include thousands of hours of digitized analog footage from the last 100 years up to … Continue reading Relation Detection: Image Similarity Measurement in Large Historical Archives

Historical Image Restoration: Deep learning-based versus traditional-based deformation strategies

Status: available Supervisor: Daniel Helm, Martin Kampel Start: as soon as possible Problem Statement Automatic video analysis in large historical film collections is a challenging task due to different aspects. One major challenge is related to the quality of historical films, e.g. over-, underexposures and blur. Furthermore, they include scratches, cracks or press cuts and … Continue reading Historical Image Restoration: Deep learning-based versus traditional-based deformation strategies