
Development: Fair Non-Repudiation – System Integration

Status: open Supervisor: Alois Paulin Problem Statement Fair non-repudiation (FNR) is about ensuring communication between two participating parties in which each party can non-repudiably prove that the other party has participated in the message exchange. System-level support for such feature as of now does not yet exist. Goal The goal of the Master thesis is to develop a system service for a … Continue reading Development: Fair Non-Repudiation – System Integration

Frailty detection of elderly people

Status: assigned Supervisors: Rainer Planinc, Sebastian Zambanini Problem Statement The frailty of elderly people is a big risk, when living independently. Frailty often leads to falls and injuries resulting from a fall. Hence, the level of frailty is an important indicator to assess the risk of falling and provide countermeasures already at an early stage. … Continue reading Frailty detection of elderly people

Document Understanding

Status: open Supervisors: Florian Kleber, Markus Diem, Stefan Fiel Problem Statement Analysis of the logical layout of documents allows for assigning the content of a document image into a marked-up electronic representation on which higher-level functionality, liked advanced searches (e.g. limiting search to titles, fetching all document images with one specific layout), can be developed. … Continue reading Document Understanding

Table Detection in Document Images

Status: open Supervisors: Florian Kleber, Markus Diem Problem Statement Documents can contain tables, which can be placed everywhere within a document page, and a have a regular structure. The detection and analyis of tables is a part of current Document Image Analysis (DIA) systems. The detection of tables is of interest, since tables normally contain specific … Continue reading Table Detection in Document Images

Color Chart Detection and Calibration

Status: closed Supervisors: Markus Diem, Florian Kleber, and Fabian Hollaus Problem Statement Historical documents are often scanned or photographed to publish facsimile editions. Thus, it is important to know the exact scale of the image, and the correct color information. With this information, the document can be reproduced in such a manner that the dimension and color of … Continue reading Color Chart Detection and Calibration

Document Image Dewarping and AutoCrop

Status: open Supervisors: Florian Kleber, Markus Diem and Stefan Fiel Problem Statement Current Document Image Analysis (DIA) frameworks have also to deal with photographed images, which can originate from DSLR cameras or even from smartphones. Typically, the images are not taken within a defined aquisition setup and thus can have perspective distortions and an uneven … Continue reading Document Image Dewarping and AutoCrop

Guidelines for Master theses

Procedure A general description of the precedure is given here. Getting familiar with the topic, registration of the thesis Implementation Writing the thesis Submission of the thesis Final presentation at the CVL (approximately one week before within the seminar) Defense Organization Select a topic (Topics offered) Contact the supervisor Registration Visiting the Master’s seminar In … Continue reading Guidelines for Master theses

Guidelines for Bachelor’s theses and student projects

Certificate 183.583 9.0/6.0 PR: Praktikum aus Visual Computing oder 193.078 6.0/4.0 PR: Praktikum aus Visual Computing 1 193.079 6.0/4.0 PR: Praktikum aus Visual Computing 2 oder 183.582 10.0/5.0 PR: Bachelorarbeit für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik Content Solving predominantly practical tasks in computer science using scientific methods. This includes in particular the selection of methods and the … Continue reading Guidelines for Bachelor’s theses and student projects

Klassifizierung von Nachtfaltern

Status der Diplomarbeit: vergeben Betreuer: Sebastian Zambanini, Martin Kampel Problemstellung Nachtfalter sind eine Tiergruppe mit einer sehr hohen Biodiversität, die in vielen Regionen der Erde nicht vollständig erforscht ist. Methoden der Bildanalyse können eingesetzt werden, um die biologische Forschungsarbeit in diesem Bereich zu beschleunigen und zu unterstützen. Hierfür sind sowohl Methoden des überwachten als auch … Continue reading Klassifizierung von Nachtfaltern