
VU Computer Vision

Course details


The lecture for the Winter Semester 2024/2025 is held in person. Enclosed, you find a schedule outlining the lecture and exercise sessions.

Key Dates:
1. Discussion of the Exercise Part and General Course Procedure: October 2, 2024
2. Start of the Lecture Part: October 28, 2024

Below is a list of the lecture contents and the dates for the exercise sessions:

Monday: 15:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 15:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 15:00 – 17:00

Location: EI 5 Hochenegg Hörsaal

Time Type Content
2.10.2024, 13:00 – 14:00,  FAV Hörsaal 1 E Discussion of the general exercise procedure, Q&A
28.10.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L1: Introduction: What is Computer Vision?

    • General Introduction
    • History of Computer Vision
    • Why is Vision Hard?
29.10.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L2: Structure of Images 1: Image Formation

    • Image Geometry and Formation
    • Types of Projections
30.10.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L3: Structure of Images 2: Texture, Scenes, and Context 1

    • Properties of Light
    • Light Transport – BRDF
    • Structure in Images: Visual Features, Filtering, Transformations
tbd, 23:59 E Group Finding & Exercise #0 Deadline
04.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L4: Structure of Images 3: Texture, Scenes, and Context 2

    • Linear Image Transform
    • Edges
    • Local Image Analysis
05.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L5: Local & Multiscale Representations 

    •  Wavelets
    • Local Image Representations
    • Multiscale Image Representations
    • Haar Transform
06.11.2024,15:00 c.t., EI5 V L6: Image Analysis

    • Interest Points, Corners
    • Image Analysis
    • Scene Emergent Features
11.11.2023, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L7: Scenes 1

    • Scene Recognition
    • Bag of Words
    • SIFT
12.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L8: Scenes 2

    • Clustering
    • Pyramid Matching
    • Support Vector Machine
13.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L9. Machine Learning for CV

    • Classification
    • Types of Learning
    • Regression
    • Clustering
    • Association
    • Dimension Reduction
    • ANNs
18.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L10. Deep Learning for CV

    • Deep Learning
    • CNNs
    • Image Net
19.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V  L11. Depth Perception

    • Monocular Cues to Depth
    • Absolute Monocular Cues to Depth
    • 3D Object Categorization
    • Pose Invariance
20.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L12. Single View Reconstruction

    • Camera Geometry and Calibration
    • Three-dimensional reconstruction from single and multiple images
    • Single View Metrology
tbd, 23:59 E Submission Deadline Exercise #1
25.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L13. Absolute 3D Reconstruction

    • Absolute Monocular 3D Reconstruction
    • Absolute Binocular 3D Reconstruction
    • Stereo Geometry
    • Essential Matrix
tbd E Oral Interviews #1
02.11.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V L14. Multiview Geometry

    • Correspondence Analysis
    • Multiview Geometry & RANSAC
    • Shape from Motion
03.12.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V Reserve
04.12.2024, 15:00 c.t., EI5 V Reserve
10.12.2024, 15:00, EI9 Exam The first possibility of taking the exam is registration via TISS!
tbd, 23:59 E Submission Deadline Exercise #2
tbd E Oral interviews #2