3D Vision Lectue Timetable
The lecture normally takes place in blocks on Monday from 15:00 – 17:00 (c.t.), Wednesday from 13:00 to 15:00 (c.t.), and Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00 (c.t.) in FAV Hörsaal 3 (Favoritenstr. 9-11, ground floor room: HEEG01). The first lecture will be held on March 4. The tutorial associated with the course will start on March 11. A listing of the course content follows:
- 3.3.25, Unit 1: Organizational matters and lab exercise procedure, goals of the course
- Organizational matters: Goals of the course
- Organizational matters: lab exercise procedure
- Introduction: What is Machine Vision, Robot Vision, General Purpose Computer Vision.
- 5.3.25, Unit 2: Image Acquisition 1
- Image Acquisition: Human Eye, Camera Obscura, Geometry,
Lenses & DOF
- Image Acquisition: Human Eye, Camera Obscura, Geometry,
- 6.3.25, Unit 3: Image Acquisition 2;
- Image Formation: Radiometry, Cameras, Sampling theorem, Image converter, Real Cameras
- 13.3.25, Unit 4: Camera Calibration
- Camera Calibration: Camera Parameters, Linear Calibration, Non-linear Calibration, Tsai, Calibration from 2D Motion
- 19.3.25, Unit 5: Range Scanner 1
- Range Scanner: Introduction, Time of Flight Range Finder, Laser radar
- 20.3.25, Unit 6: Range Scanner 2
- ToF Range Scanner: Interferometry, Ultrasound / IR Range Finder
- Triangulation Range Scanner: Structured Illumination, Point of light technique, Light-stripe technique, Simultaneous projection of several light stripes, Binary- and Color-coded light-stripe technique
- 24.3.25, Unit 7: Range Scanner 3
- Range Scanner: Examples for Range Scanner, Range Finder Evaluation, Range Finder Applications, Summary
- 26.3.25, Unit 8: Shape from Monocular Images:
- Shape from Shading: Reflectance Map, Shape Determination Methods, Photometric Stereo, Polarized Light
- Shape from Texture: Statistical Methods, Structural Methods.
- Shape from Geometry
- 27.3.25, Unit 9: Shape from Stereo 1:
- Shape from Stereo: Stereo in Entertainment Industry, Epiopolar Geometry, Rectification
- 31.3.25, Unit 10: Shape from Stereo 2:
- Shape from Stereo 2: Correspondence Analysis, Constraints in Stereo Matching, Hierarchical Stereo Matching, Active Stereo
- 2.4.25, Unit 11: Shape from Multiple Images:
- Shape from Focus / Defocus
- Shape from Motion: FOE, FOC, Motionfield, Motionfield Analysis, Optical Flow
- 3.4.25, Unit 12: Registration
- Registration: Alignment, Target-based registration, Surface Based Registration, Iterative Closest Points (ICP) & Variants, Registration Software and Tools
- 7.4.25, Unit 13: Space Carving / Shape from Silhouette
- Space Carving
- Shape from Silhouette
- Visual Hull
- 10.4.25, Unit 14: Volume Scanners / Medical 3D Imaging
- Volume Scanners: X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT), Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Imaging: Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Ultrasound Tomography
- 28.4.25, Unit 15: 3D Printing
- 3D Printer: 3D Printing in General, 3D Printing Techniques, 3D Printers, Discussion
- 30.4.25, Reserve
- 14.5.25, 17:00 – 18:30 Examination in EI 8 Pötzl HS – QUER!
- Written examination, closed book
- Registration: on-line via TUWIS