

SIDIRE: Synthetic Image Dataset for Illumination Robustness Evaluation SIDIRE is a freely available image dataset which provides synthetically generated images allowing to investigate the influence of illumination changes on object appearance. The images are renderings of 3D coin models with different material BRDFs and levels of texturedness. Thus, the dataset makes it possible to directly … Continue reading SIDIRE

Scannen von Vasen

Im laufenden Projekt des Instituts für Kulturgeschichte der Antike der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften „Zyprische Eisenzeit aus dem Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien“ wird das Scannen der 145 Objekte durch die finanzielle Unterstützung der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien ermöglicht. Projekt Details Finanzierung: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien Kooperationspartner: Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike


The goal of Privicy is the development of a surveillance system which automatically respects the privacy of people involved. The contribution of CVL is twofold: a scientific background to the problem and a closer look on robust tracking algorithms. The development includes the following steps: Research on State-of-the-Art people tracker and anonymizing algorithms Evaluation of … Continue reading Privicy


…stands for Fear Elimination As Resolution for Loosing Elderly’s Substantial Sorrows, a project designed to detect a wide range of risks with a single sensor unit, enhancing mobility and enabling elderly to take active part in the self-serve society by reducing their fears. Another main focus of this project is the lack of expertise at … Continue reading fearless


The goal of the project is to develop robust and efficient techniques for the recognition and localisation of objects in images and video sequences. This goal can be subdivided into the following aims: Improve the use colour information in object recognition — for example, illumination changes an shadows should be taken into account in the … Continue reading OMOR


The goal of the EU project “Robot Fleets for Highly Effective Crop Management in Miditerranean Agriculture (RHEA)” is to develop a system for the precise and automatic management of agricultural land by using a fleet of autonomous land and air vehicles. This includes the development of new computer vision algorithms for crop evaluation and weed … Continue reading RHEA


Multivariate Bildanalyse für selbstbestimmtes Altern The goal of this project is a reliable and automated computer vision system to enable an independent lifestyle for the elderly and disabled. It is based in the area of “smart homes” but uses state-of-the-art 2d and 3d computer vision techniques. MuBisA will develop a closed system for the automatic … Continue reading MuBisA

tripleB ID – Identifikation von Bedrohungsszenarien in Banken durch Bildanalyse

An increase in visual surveillance systems together with an increased inquiry for security and efficiency leads to the need of efficient systems which are able to process and interpret video data automatically. Based on developments in the area of machine vision, pattern recognition and visual sensors this project deals with the development of a system … Continue reading tripleB ID – Identifikation von Bedrohungsszenarien in Banken durch Bildanalyse


The goal of this project is to develop a highly intelligent, next-generation video-based surveillance system. A service-oriented architecture as infrastructural basis of a scalable video surveillance system will be implemented. Services are self-contained and can be used independently. Every service owns a public interface, which can be used by the subscribers within a network. Two … Continue reading iObserveNG