News and Upcoming Looking forward to be a speaker at Summer School of Image Processing (SSIP) in July 2022. Glad to be part of the organizing team of the Fetal brain Tissue Annotation and segmentation (FeTA) Challenge 2022 at MICCAI 2022 in Singapur. Twitter: @FetaChallenge PIPPI 2022 has been accepted as a satellite event at … Continue reading Roxane Licandro →
I am a lecturer and offer supervision to master’s thesis students. I am also working as a postdoc fellow at TUM, Munich and the Technion, Israel. I am a Scientist currently on leave at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. My scientific interest is the problem of occlusion in vision. I am also interested in … Continue reading Roman Pflugfelder →
Personal Information Born: 1976, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo Citizenship: German Short Biography Claude Takenga received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering since 2007 in Hannover, Germany with the Institute for Communication Technology of the Leibniz University of Hannover. He gained experience in research with universities and in development at the industry (Infokom GmbH, … Continue reading Claude Takenga →
Personal Information Born: 1982, Trento, Italy Citizenship: Italian Short Bio Paolo Rota received his PhD in Information and Communication Technologies in February 2015 at the University of Trento (Italy) under supervision of prof. Nicola Conci and prof. Nicu Sebe. He gained experience in Computer Vision and Scene Analysis working mostly in modelling Social Interactions in videos. … Continue reading Paolo Rota →
Current Position Florian Kleber is currently a senior scientist at the Computer Vision Lab, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien, Austria. He gained experience as a project collaborator/leader in several projects at the Computer Vision Lab, VUT, dealing with, amongst others, multi-spectral acquisition and restoration of ancient manuscripts. Additionally, he is involved … Continue reading Florian Kleber →
Current Position Hi there! My name is Manuel Keglevic and I am a research assistant and PhD student at the Computer Vision Lab at TU Wien. I received my MSc in Visual Computing 2013 at the TU Wien. To gain experience in the private sector I worked two years as a C++ developer at Austria … Continue reading Manuel Keglevic →
Personal Information Born: 1989, Traunstein/Germany Citizenship: Austria Current Position Manuel Kröter received the BSc degree in Computer Science in 2013 and is doing the Master’s degree in Visual Computing at the Vienna University of Technology (to be finished in autumn 2015). Currently he is working on hand gesture recognition using depth cameras for the Infos@ourHouse … Continue reading Manuel Kröter →
Address: Medical University of Vienna Department of Radiology CIR lab Waehringer Guertel 18-20 A-1090 Vienna Austria Description Currently Georg Langs is a Research Scientist at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA: new website Teaching In the summer semester I give the lecture Medizinische Bildverarbeitung at CVL. Exams for the lecture in … Continue reading Georg Langs →