Status: in progress Supervisor: Martin Kampel Problem Statement & Goal Neuroblastomas are one of the most common tumours in infancy. In the course of every examination, every blood test and every biopsy, information is collected in the form of measured values, images or genetic codes. Very valuable data, if evaluated and interpreted. However, the enormous quantity … Continue reading visiomics →
Brenner S., Frühwirth T., Mayer S. (2023): Revealing ‘invisible’ poetry by W. H. Auden through computer vision: Using photometric stereo to visualize indented impressions. In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38(4):1404– 1417. Falluomini C., Brenner S., and Frühmann B. (2023): “New Light on the Gothic Palimpsest from Bologna,” in Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, Vienna: Austrian … Continue reading Simon Brenner Publications →
Status: open Supervisor: Rainer Planinc Problem Statement Configuration of Wifi credentials for non-technical user is often quite challenging. Available devices on the market (e.g. WiFi extender, Google Chromecast, Amazon FireTV stick) often provide a configurable interface to connect them easily to existing WiFis. Goal The goal of this internship (Praktikum) is the development of an … Continue reading Mobile app to configure Wifi on embedded boards →
Status: open Supervisor: Markus Diem nomacs – Image Lounge is a light-weight image viewer developed at CVL. It is written in C++ with Qt and OpenCV and published under GPL. Since two years, nomacs has a plugin system which allows for adding modules dedicated to specific tasks. Task A people search plugin will be implemented … Continue reading Face Recognition nomacs Plugin →
@MastersThesis{DIPL-Sablatnig91, author = “Robert {Sablatnig}”, school = “Technische Universit{\”a}t Wien”, title = “Das {L}ichtschnittverfahren, ein {V}erfahren zur {E}rfassung von arch{\”a}ologischen {F}undgegenst{\”a}nden”, year = “1991” } @TechReport{PP-Sablatnig91a, author = “Robert {Sablatnig} and Christian {Menard} and Petros {Dintsis}”, institution = “Vienna University of Technology, Inst. of Computer Aided Automation, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group”, number = … Continue reading Robert Sablatnig Bibtex →
@MastersThesis{DIPL-Sablatnig91, author = "Robert {Sablatnig}", school = "Technische Universit{\"a}t Wien", title = "Das {L}ichtschnittverfahren, ein {V}erfahren zur {E}rfassung von arch{\"a}ologischen {F}undgegenst{\"a}nden", year = "1991" } @TechReport{PP-Sablatnig91a, author = "Robert {Sablatnig} and Christian {Menard} and Petros {Dintsis}", institution = "Vienna University of Technology, Inst. of Computer Aided Automation, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group", number = … Continue reading Publications of Robert Sablatnig in BibTex →
Topic summer term 2025: Document Analysis Lessons take place in Seminarraum FAV 01 A (Seminarraum 183/2) on Fridays from 13:00 to 17:00 c.t. March 7, 2025, 13:00-15:00: Introduction to the course Introduction to the course Speaking exercise: students introduce themselves March 21, 2025, 13:00-15:00: Oral Presentations and CVs Function assignment Topic assignment Topic: Planning and holding … Continue reading Preliminary Schedule →
Literatur fuer die Vorlesung und Laboruebung Medizinische Bildverarbeitung – Grays anatomy – anatomischer Atlas – Medizinische Bilddatensätze verschiedener Modalitaeten zum download Shape Models – Tim Cootes homepage (ASMs, AAMs, …) – Tutorial: Learning Models of Anatomy and Function – Quantifizierung rheumatoider Arthritis – R. H. Davies and C. J. Twining and T. F. Cootes and … Continue reading Literatur →
Übungsbeispiele Caroline Steiner & Michael Beham Computerspiel mit Kinect