Student Topics

Attached is a list of selected topics. If you are interested, please contact the corresponding supervisor.

Please refer to our general guidelines for



Topic Supervisor Project BA/DA/PR
1st responders support Martin Kampel imars PR, BA,DA
Multispectral Image Registration Florian Kleber PR, DA
Machine Learning based Analysis of Longitudinal Dynamics of Brain Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Roxane Licandro PR, DA
DB for numismatic collection Martin Kampel BA,PR
Deep Learning for Papyri Marco Peer BA,PR,DA
Bias and Explainability in Long Term Care (LTC) Martin Kampel PR,DA
Evaluation Different Transformer Architectures for Cell Classification in Flow Cytometry Data Michael Reiter MyeFlow PR,DA
Human Activity Recognition from Real-World Depth Images
Irene Ballester PR, DA
Finding and Recognizing Artwork Martin Kampel PR
Writer Adaption for Handwritten Text Recognition of Historical Documents Marco Peer DA
Fish tracking for behaviour analysis Martin Kampel PR, DA
Learning Aggregation Functions for Writer Retrieval Marco Peer PR, DA
Car Occupants Counting from Near-Infrared Photos Robert Sablatnig DA
Assisted/Automated Driving Margrit Gelautz SyntheticCabin DA
Text Recognition in Graffiti Images Sebastian Zambanini DA, BA
Change Detection in Graffiti Images Sebastian Zambanini DA
Longitudinal patient specific brain magnetic resonance image alignment for neurosurgical interventions Roxane Licandro PR,DA
Document image classification of historic book pages Michael Reiter PR,DA
Table Detection Florian Kleber PR,DA
Table Structure Recognition Florian Kleber PR,BA,DA
Exploiting Context in Remote Sensing Object Detection Sebastian Zambanini DA, BA
Diploma Thesis – Caring Robots // Robotic Care Margrit Gelautz Caring Robots//Robotic Care DA

BA = Bachelor Thesis, PR =Student Project, DA = Master Thesis
* For those topics, there is the possibility of a minor payment.

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